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The American Flag Means More Than Words Can Tell

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June 14, 2021 at 8:37:00 AM PDT June 14, 2021 at 8:37:00 AM PDTth, June 14, 2021 at 8:37:00 AM PDT

Written by Carol Rhodes, a customer from New Castle, Va. Rhodes provided the photos and story in this blog as part of her “One Country. One Flag.” May submission about what the U.S. flag and being an American means to her. She was the May winner of our deluxe Beacon® U.S. flag set. You may submit your favorite American flag display photos and stories to qualify to win a flag set in June 2021 at: /one-country-one-flag


“The American flag means more than words can tell. It is America and the wonderful freedoms we have. It is a feeling deep inside me. When I was 22, I joined the Women's Army Corps (WAC). I was in Basic Training during July 4th and was chosen to be the flag bearer. That was the absolute high point of my Army career, of the many I was to discover. The picture I [submitted] is my Company unfolding the flag. It was the large Garrison flag, so it took all of us to raise and lower it. The other photo is my flag on my front porch today. I like to help people replace their worn flags and find a place to properly dispose of old ones. The Boy Scouts and VFW are good places to inquire. I've been known as "The Flag Police" at times. It breaks my heart to see a tattered flag flying. It's difficult to bear and understand disrespect for our flag. We have so many freedoms other countries don't have. While in the Army, I was stationed in Frankfurt, Germany, and was able to see the Berlin Wall. The gravity of seeing that man-made wall was great. How many children today have even heard of it? God has truly blessed America. Can't we at least respect its flag?”


After Rhodes received her flag set, she shared her appreciation with Carrot-Top Industries. “Thank you so much. I am happy and nicely surprised to win a beautiful flag set. It will be put to good use,” said Rhodes. “Carrot-Top has such good quality flags that outlast any others I have purchased. Thank you again, and God Bless America.”


Background on the Women’s Army Corps (WAC)

The Women’s Army Corps (WAC) was the women’s branch of the U.S. Army. It started on May 15, 1942, as the auxiliary unit of the U.S. Army and was called the Women’s Army Auxilliary Corps (WAAC). The WAAC converted to an active-duty status of the U.S. Army on July 1, 1943, as the Women’s Army Corps (WAC). When President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the bill to form the WAAC, the recruitment goal was 25,000 women in the first year. The goal was exceeded so the recruitment limit was increased to 150,000. The WAC was involved in the WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War engagements and was active from 1942 until 1978 when it was disbanded and integrated with the male units.


Stars & Stripes Swap Program for Flag Retirement

Carrot-Top Industries now offers a Stars & Stripes Swap Program to make retiring your flag the proper way easy for you. We now offer a service that will let you send your old and tattered U.S. flag to us for proper disposal. We will send you a prepaid label and all you have to do is box up your flag and send it back. No more searching or wondering what to do with your worn flags. A fee of $15 includes a shipping label*, and a portion of the fee will be donated to select charitable organizations. If you have questions about our Stars & Stripes Program, email us at service@carrot-top.com or call 800-628-3524. *Return label is good for 10 flags that will fit in one box. Flags 8’ x 12’ and larger will need a label purchased for each flag.


Online References: wikipedia.org


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