Articles written by Carrot-Top Industries
Articles written by
Carrot-Top Industries
Bennington Flag: Meaning, History, and Facts
One of the most easily recognized flags, the Bennington flag remains a mystery. Its purpose and revolutionary spirit are much easier to define than the flag’s historical journey. Therefore, let’s take a look at its appearance, how it came to be, and try to differentiate between the myth and the truth.
Celebrating Pioneers of American Education
Extraordinary change requires extraordinary people. These four individuals we have chosen to highlight here at Carrot-Top Industries persevered through their hardships and vocalized a need for change and reform, creating the American education system we have today.
How Are the Golf Flags Used in a Golf Course?
Depending on the point of view, it appears that the hole is not the sole focus of a golfer. Before the hole come golf flags, flying in different colors. It is actually the golf flag that has the player’s full attention before they get close to the hole. So, let’s take a look at what messages golf flags may convey.
Nautical Flag and Its Alphabet Explained
Why is it important to learn the nautical flag alphabet? Well, despite all technology, the nautical flag or maritime signal flag conveys the right message even in the most turbulent of times. To the unskilled eye, nautical flags seem very colorful and vibrant with their colors and fun shapes, but why don’t we learn a thing or two about the nautical flag alphabet and see what these nautical signal flags are all about?
A Look at College Dorm Flags and How to Show Off What You Support!
College and university flags are a fantastic way to demonstrate your support for your college teams and foster the friendly competition that so many Americans enjoy! College flags look fantastic displayed next to your state and national flags! NCAA flags are the perfect way to show anyone who comes in your dorm room what team you pull for on the weekends and who you have pride in. Many college dorm residents also enjoy displaying novelty flags. This adds a sense of charm, shows your support, or provides a good laugh to anyone who sees your display. Dorm room flags are always eye-catching and offer some “curb appeal” from the hallways.
How to Choose the Best Flag Pole for High Winds?
The best flag pole for high winds is the one you choose according to several important factors. The key here is to bear in mind this is a highly (pun intended) individual decision and reading rave online reviews won’t help much unless that person is living and flying flags in similar conditions to yours. Read more!
Flag & Windsock Pole Guide
Is there such a thing as a perfect flagpole for flags and windsocks? From what we’ve gathered, it appears that the flag & windsock pole which would suit all criteria is the so-called telescopic flagpole. So, let’s take a closer look at what it is that the telescopic flagpoles have those regular commercial ones do not.
What Does the Gold Fringe on the American Flag Mean?
There are several possible interpretations of why the gold fringe is decorating the Old Glory. The gold fringe on the American flag is oftentimes seen in courtrooms and similar institutions, so does that mean it is reserved for special occasions only? Not really. Here are some explanations about what purpose the gold fringe on the American flag serves.
A Look At Fourth Of July Traditions And History
In the United States, Independence Day is observed on the Fourth of July. Independence Day has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the celebrations date back to the 18th century and the American Revolution. So why exactly do we observe the Fourth of July? And what should we do to celebrate it?
The History of Pennant Flag and Its Purpose
What is the pennant or the pennon flag? You’ve probably seen dozens in your life, and it may all even have started with your very first birthday! That’s right, pennant flags can be triangular in shape, but there is more to them than being a fun decoration. Here’s a little something about the history of pennant flags, how they came to be, and what types there are.
How to Use Half-Mast Vs. Half-Staff Correctly?
While some may say that the two terms are absolute synonyms, others have arguments for the half-staff vs. half-mast debate. Therefore, let’s take a deeper look and clear the confusion once about half-staff and half-mast American flags once and for all!
15 American Symbols Of Freedom
America's forefathers built the country with the dream of creating a free nation for its citizens. Unlike any other nation in the world, these unprecedented freedoms are marked by symbols held dear to its citizens. Discover 15 American symbols of freedom and the meanings behind them.
A Complete Guide for Commercial Flagpole Installation
Commercial flagpole installation needn’t be a daunting task if you have professionals or skilled friends on your side. Here is a list of steps you should take to have the Stars and Stripes fly high in front of your home.
Choosing the Perfect Military Flag Display Case
So, you have the flag you wish to preserve for future generations, and you wonder what is the best military flag display case? The answer actually depends on quite a number of personal factors. In order for you not to get overwhelmed when you go shopping for the flag display case, here is what you should take into consideration.
American Flag with Green Stripe Meaning Explained
The green stripe American flag is yet another one of the first responder's flags. While the thin blue line is a more well-known flag, there is the thin green line as well, also referring to the line of the first responders sacrificing their wellbeing for the sake of others in moments of grave danger. In the “green” case, the flag honors conservation personnel, park rangers, border patrol agents, and many more.
Top 5 Fun Facts About the American Flag
The Old Glory tells an interesting story — or in other words, fun facts about the American flag abound. It’s not really a tale as old as time, but it’s been quite a while since 1777 when the Stars and Stripes were officially approved. It was a tough task, but we’ve picked out the top five most interesting facts about the US flag that would get everybody’s attention. So, let’s get started!
What Is the Proper Way to Fold an American Flag?
In other words, how to fold an American flag so that it becomes a blue triangle with stars? In order to respect the flag code, you have to fold the flag so that it shows no red. Here is a list of the steps you need to take in order to get this final result.
All About the American First Responder Flags
First responders put their lives on the line as they are the first to react when an emergency occurs. So, how can we say thank you for their amazing service? Flying the first responder flag is one of the ways to show our appreciation and respect for those that sacrifice their lives to save ours.
Announcing our Spring 2022 Beacon® Scholarship for Rural America Winners
Maria Pytlik of Brainard, Nebraska, and Payton Deichler of Utopia, Texas, are the recipients of the Spring 2022 Beacon® Scholarship for Rural America, a scholarship introduced by Carrot-Top Industries in 2018.
Can You Hang the U.S. Flag Vertically?
Hanging a flag vertically does not have a special meaning per se. In other words, as long as the display of the flag follows proper flag etiquette, the vertical display does not convey a special meaning.