Veterans & Military
Becoming a Veteran Service Officer: A Comprehensive Guide
Every day, countless veterans return home carrying the pride and weight of their service. Behind the scenes, Veteran Service Officers (VSOs) stand ready to guide them through the transition back into civilian life. At Carrot-Top Industries, we understand the pivotal role these dedicated professionals play.
Unveiling the Truth: 10 Fascinating Facts About Veterans Day
Veterans have always been essential in defending the freedoms we cherish as Americans. To truly appreciate the day dedicated to honoring their service, it's important to understand how Veterans Day came to be. That's why we've compiled ten key facts about Veterans Day to help you learn more.
Understanding the Symbols of Veterans Day: A Deep Dive
We honor Veterans Day every year on November 11th. Many decades ago, President Eisenhower set aside this day to give us a chance to honor our veterans. Every year we express our gratitude to those who have served our country and reflect on their sacrifices. As you know, this day carries heavy significance in the United States.
Nine Veterans Day Celebration Ideas to Honor our Heroes
Veterans Day is a time to consider how to show gratitude and respect to those who have served in the military. This special day offers an opportunity for businesses, government entities, schools, and organizations to come together and honor our heroes. Whether you're planning a small gathering or a community-wide event, finding the right Veterans Day celebration ideas can make all the difference.
Exploring the Meaning and Significance of the Navy Cross
The Navy Cross is a symbol of extraordinary heroism for those in the U.S. Armed Forces. Besides the Medal of Honor, it's the second-highest military decoration for those in the Marine Corps, U.S. Navy, and Coast Guard. The Navy Cross medal honors those who've shown exceptional bravery against an enemy of the United States at great personal risk. Learn more about this Medal of heroism and the exceptional servicemembers whose brave acts ensure the preservation of our country's freedoms.
What Is the Difference Between a Protected Veteran and Veteran?
As you shall learn right here, not every vet is a protected veteran. What is a protected veteran, and how do they differ from a non-protected one? In a nutshell, the first group has earned their right to certain benefits once they finish the service. As usual, there is a lot more here than meets the eye, so let’s take a look at how you become a protected veteran and who or what protects you in the first place.
Understanding the Meaning: What Is a Veteran of Foreign Wars?
As champions of the red, white, and blue, we’re not just about providing the highest quality American flags and patriotic décor; we’re about celebrating the brave souls who’ve defended the very essence of American freedom.
How to Celebrate the Army’s Birthday on June 14th
America stands as a proud and distinguished nation, thanks in large part to the bravery and valor of our military. The men and women who serve in our armed forces dedicate their lives to preserving our freedoms. Over one million serve as part of our Army, making it the largest and most recognizable branch of our military.
What Are the Military Holidays?
America is home to the bravest military members in the world, men and women who give their lives to secure our country's freedom. To honor these heroes, we have multiple federal holidays like Memorial Day and Veterans Day, but did you know they aren't the only ones? Celebrating all of the military holidays provides an opportunity to recognize and honor the sacrifices of service members and their families. Let's take a closer look at the many military holidays you may not have known existed so you can celebrate our American heroes with the gratitude they deserve.
How the U.S. Troops Comes Up with Tank Names?
Tank names are funny, witty, sometimes surprising, and, believe it or not, very practical! It is thanks to the inscriptions on the gun tube that a tank crew member can easily identify their vehicle from a distance. So, let’s take a look at how battle tanks get their nicknames and check out some of the most original ones!
Top 10 Interesting Facts About the U.S. Army
Let’s start the facts about the army with perhaps the most important one: the US army is considered to be the strongest military force in the whole world! That said, you can only imagine what curious pieces of information await you. We’ve picked ten facts about the US army that are probably going to raise your eyebrows in surprise. So, let’s get started!
The Different Military Grave Markers Symbols Explained
Looking at veterans’ tombstones in one of 155 national cemeteries, one would think that all tombstones are more or less alike. However, once you step closer, you can notice they are all distinguished by the usage of military grave markers. On the one hand, there are military grave markers related to the veteran’s service and ranking. On the other, there are personal belief military grave markers that have been gaining extra attention recently. It’s particularly interesting that new ones can be applied for approval. At the moment, there are 65 adopted personal belief military grave markers. Now, let’s check out what was going on from the beginning and decipher some of the old and new markers.
The Difference Between Memorial Day vs. Veterans Day vs. Armed Forces Day
Memorial Day vs. Veterans Day vs. Armed Forces Day differences and similarities are sometimes challenging to explain. After all, let’s just look at the fact that one of these is also called Armistice Day, and you already have more confusion than is necessary. Still, we are here to clear the air and explain these holidays, one by one. So, let’s get started!
What Is the Difference Between the Navy vs. Marines?
The Navy and the Marine Corps have always had a special bond. The unique connection is reflected in many areas yet at the same time, they differ in more than one way.
Who Can Display the US Marine Corps Flag?
The most common dilemma among families that wish to show their support for their member officially becoming a marine is how to display the American flag with the Marine Corps flag. The rules are fairly simple, and we’ll also say a word or two about the Marine Corps flag itself.
What Do We Celebrate On Navy Day?
There are quite a few possible answers to this question and all of them bear some truth, making the Navy Day a special military and national holiday.
Six Ways To Honor Veterans
Veterans Day, November 11th, is set aside in the U.S. to honor our military personnel past and present. This holiday is one way we honor America’s service members - both active duty and veterans - for their patriotism, bravery and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.