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Be Aware! Burning Restrictions And National Fire Prevention Week

Written by
Jenny Jolly
Published on
October 1, 2018 at 3:00:00 PM PDT October 1, 2018 at 3:00:00 PM PDTst, October 1, 2018 at 3:00:00 PM PDT

National Fire Prevention Week is October 7th – 13th and this year’s campaign theme is, “Look. Listen. Learn. Be Aware. Fire can happen anywhere.” National Fire Prevention Week works to educate people about everyday steps to take to reduce the likelihood of having a fire—and how to escape safely in the event of one.


National Fire Prevention Week has been observed since 1925 when President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed it a national observance. Each year, the observance occurs the week of October 9th in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire which began on October 8, 1871, and caused devastating damage. National Fire Prevention Week is a great opportunity for communities across America to connect with their local fire departments and for children and adults to learn and continue to stay aware of best practices around fire safety.


There are many ways to be aware and take action to prevent fires, both in your home and in your community.

  • At home, take a good look around and identify potential fire hazards. Make sure all doors and windows leading outside open easily and are accessible.
  • Now is a great time to change the batteries in your smoke detector and test it to make sure it is in working order.
  • Together, with your family, identify an emergency escape plan. Agree on an emergency meeting place outside your home and run a fire drill at least once a year to practice for emergencies.
  • Be aware of local ordinances around outdoor burning and know when burning restrictions are in place.
  • Contact your state's DNR office to obtain a DNR burning permit. Keep track of local DNR burn bans by visiting your state's DNR website.
  • If your city or town does not do so already, recommend local officials publicly display a burning ban flag in visible areas such as subdivisions, parks and public buildings.
  • Visit ConsumerSafety.org for a helpful home checklist about steps you can take at home around fire prevention.


For more information about National Fire Prevention Week visit the National Fire Prevention Association’s official website at National Fire Prevention Week. For more information or to purchase a Burning Ban flag, visit Carrot-Top.com

About the Author

Jenny Jolly | jjolly@carrot-top.com

Carrot-Top Staff Writer, Jenny Jolly, has been blogging and writing for businesses since 2008. A self-proclaimed "Army brat", Jolly grew up on military bases overseas before settling back in her family's home state of North Carolina. "Growing up a bi-cultural American has taught me to appreciate the diversity of our great nation. Having experienced other cultures firsthand has also given me valuable perspective on what it means to be American—to love your country, to value your rights and freedoms, and to fully embrace the ideal of the American Dream," she said. It is her honor to serve Carrot-Top Industries in the shared goal of providing American-made U.S. flags and patriotic, special event, and custom-made products to military institutions, service member families, government agencies, schools, businesses, and individuals across the United States.