Keep America Beautiful Month
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March 29, 2013 at 3:05:00 PM PDT March 29, 2013 at 3:05:00 PM PDTth, March 29, 2013 at 3:05:00 PM PDT
April is Keep American Beautiful Month, a time to focus on everything from litter prevention to community improvement. In addition to Keep America Beautiful month, we also celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day in April as a way to keep our whole planet beautiful.
60 years ago, in 1953, organized by a group of individuals like Philip Morris, Pepsi Co, and Coca-Cola to name a few, formed A nonprofit organization was formed that aimed to bring national attention to reducing littering and beautifying communities. Since then Keep America Beautiful has become one of the nations largest volunteer based community groups. This year KAB is striving to do even more to call attention to their cause with the unveiling of a social media hub at the 2013 SXSW in Austin, Texas.
Launching The Digital Cleanup
Using the progressive audience and innovative spirit of SXSW, KAB introduced the Social Volunteer Hub. By using the Great American Cleanup program and the hub, volunteers have a way to share in real time their cleanup experiences just by using the hashtag #KeepAmericaBeautiful on social media outlets like Twitter and Instagram. Along with bringing the cleanup story to life, KAB also introduced their Communities Impact Goals for 2013 which included cleaning 100,000 miles of roads and highways, rebuilding playgrounds, and educating children to become the next generation of environmental stewards. With the launch of this technology Keep America Beautiful hopes to inspire more communities to get involved in building and sustaining a vibrant community.
Other Holidays in April
Since the first Earth Day in 1970, inspired by an oil spill, people across the globe have used April 22nd to bring awareness and attention to environmental degradation so we can protect our planet.
In addition to Earth Day, Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday of April. The Arbor Day Foundation works to ensure that America continues to have forests for our future generations to enjoy. If you’re interested in planning trees in your area, simply join the Arbor Day Foundation and they’ll send you 10 trees for free!
Of course none of these groups or events could happen without the great people that help day in and day out… the volunteers. From April 6-13, volunteers are celebrated for the extraordinary service they provide and the impact they make in our communities. Take time this April to celebrate National Volunteer Week and take part in restoring and enhancing our world.
Beautifying Main Street
With spring here, it’s also time for schools, cities and businesses to participate in their own beatification projects. Whether it’s a new street banner program for your town’s historic area, or new custom flags and custom banners to show your pride, Carrot-Top can help you make your town, business or school beautiful.
We’re here to help, and we have tons of ideas, so give us a call (800.628.3524), and a customer service representative will be happy to assist you in making your town, business or school more attractive and inviting!