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  • Carrot-Top Cares: Holiday Stockings for Soldiers' Angels | Carrot-Top Flags

Spreading Holiday Cheer To Our Service Members And Veterans

Written by
Tina Williamson
Published on
December 7, 2020 at 6:47:00 PM PST December 7, 2020 at 6:47:00 PM PSTth, December 7, 2020 at 6:47:00 PM PST

As part of our Carrot-Top Cares program, we are always looking for ways to help service members and veterans across America throughout the year. For the holidays, Carrot-Top Industries’ employees unanimously agreed to work with Soldiers’ Angels through donations to their Holiday Stockings for Heroes program.

Carrot-Top’s elves assembled and donated 25 total holiday stockings filled with the following products:

  • Slim Jims or Beef Jerky
  • Packs of Nuts
  • Sealed Holiday Candy
  • Candy Canes
  • Card Games (Uno, Phase 10, Skip Bo)
  • Stress Balls
  • Single Serving Cookie Packages
  • Winter Socks
  • Apple Cider Packets
  • Hot Chocolate Packets
  • Lip Balm
  • Puzzle Books (Crosswords, Sudoku, Word Find)
  • Holiday-Themed Writing Pens and Pencils
  • Holiday-Themed Notepads
  • Stocking Cap: Each stocking was topped off with a stocking cap to prevent items from spilling out as well as to provide the recipient with a warm winter hat.

All donated stockings will be shipped to service members deployed to combat zones, veteran patients in VA Hospitals across the country, and, this year, the stockings will also be shared with the frontline workers supporting COVID-19 operations, including National Guard and Reserve Units, as well as VA Healthcare Workers. Soldiers’ Angels originally set a goal of 20,000 holiday stockings pledged. They have exceeded the goal and are at 28,428 holiday stockings pledged as of December 11, 2020. Soldiers’ Angels has received an overwhelming amount of support.

Since 2003, Soldiers’ Angels has provided a variety of programs to support military families, deployed service members, wounded heroes and veterans of all eras in a variety of unique and effective ways. It offers programs which provide: 

  • Homeless and low-income veteran's assistance 
  • Cards and letters of encouragement for the deployed 
  • VA hospital volunteers
  • Care packages for deployed service members
  • Handmade gifts for military family members
  • Adaptive laptops for wounded and injured veterans
  • Caregiver support for female caregivers of Post 9/11 wounded, ill and injured service members and veterans
  • Adopt-A-Family to support military and veteran families during the holidays
  • Support for expectant spouses of deployed service members and expectant active-duty female service members
  • And much more 

Our American service members, veterans and their families make sacrifices daily without asking for anything in return. Their selflessness makes it too easy for others to forget about all they do for our country. As we all know, it is difficult for anyone to ask for help, but it is especially difficult for a service member or veteran. It was important for Carrot-Top Industries to show our support throughout the year to let them know they aren’t forgotten. Soldiers’ Angels motto is “May no soldier go unloved. May no soldier walk alone. May no soldier be forgotten. Until they all come home.™” We hope that for Soldiers’ Angels’ holiday stocking heroes, they feel loved at Christmas and into the new year.