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Why We Fly The Flag: The True Meaning Of Labor Day

Written by
Jenny Jolly
Published on
August 31, 2018 at 10:24:00 PM PDT August 31, 2018 at 10:24:00 PM PDTst, August 31, 2018 at 10:24:00 PM PDT

Labor Day in America often marks the beginning of a new school year and the end of summer. We celebrate with barbecues, parades and athletic events across the country. But how did the Labor Day holiday originate? It wasn't as easy as your day off.

 During the Industrial Revolution in the late 1800s, the average American worker spent more than 12 hours a day, seven days a week in extremely unsafe working conditions. There were no regulated breaks, no access to fresh air, no clean bathrooms, and children as young as five years old worked side by side adults earning anywhere from 40 cents to $1 to help their family survive. Could you imagine?

The Fight For a Workingman's Holiday

Manufacturing continued to grow, becoming the leading employment sector for Americans, and labor unions saw the need to protest the poor conditions, long hours and meager pay. Strikes and rallies began to break out. Many turned violent, leaving workers and policemen injured or dead. Some paved the way for the future holiday, like the strike on September 5, 1882, when 10,000 workers marched from City Hall to Union Square in New York City, holding the first unofficial Labor Day parade. While many states recognized the need for a “workingman’s holiday”, Congress would not legalize it for another 12 years.

 Everything changed in 1894, when the Pullman Palace Car Company workers in Chicago went on strike, triggering the American Railroad Union to boycott all Pullman railway cars until the strike ended. Railroad traffic was brought to a halt across the country causing the Federal Government to dispatch troops to Chicago. This response unleashed violent riots with the protesters and more than a dozen lives were lost. In the wake of the violence and as a last attempt to repair ties with American workers, Congress finally passed an act to create Labor Day as a nationally recognized holiday.


 We Fly The Flag to Remember

Although our economy has drastically changed since 1910, we fly the flag and enjoy a day off work to remember the true meaning of Labor Day. This holiday was meant to unify workers and address the issue of long working hours under poor conditions. In today's economy, where both manufacturing workers and white-collar workers are increasingly connected to work and often struggling to find balance, it's especially meaningful to remember the Americans who stood up for their rights and fought for this day of recognition. Enjoy and happy Labor Day! 

Labor Day isn't the only flag flying day in September. Check out our handy reference guide below to stay informed year-round. 

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