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The Town of Faison, NC

We offer the Town of Faison, state of North Carolina, and U.S. flags along with other custom products that will allow you to express your Faison pride. You can order customized Faison Town products such as flags and banners, street banners, or tents for your city government offices, schools, special events, and celebrations. You can even fly a Faison Town flag at your Faison home. Call today for a quote at 800-628-3524.

If you need assistance with your purchase, please call 800-628-3524.

Locally owned and operated, Carrot-Top Industries has been serving government, educational, military, and business institutions since 1980.
We are delighted to partner with the Town of Faison to offer products that express the pride we all have in Faison, the state of North Carolina, and the United States of America.

Town of Faison

The Town of Faison is located in Duplin County in Eastern North Carolina, halfway between Raleigh and Wilmington, 3 miles off I-40, at Exit 355. The area that eventually became Faison was first settled around 1733. Early settlers included Faison, Hicks, Hills, and Oates. On July 2, 1776, Henry Faison purchased a 975-acre tract of land that would later become the Town of Faison.


Notable People Associated with Faison

  • James W. Blanchard, rear admiral in the U.S. Navy, submarine commander during World War II, Navy Cross recipient
  • Samson L. Faison, U.S. Army brigadier general in World War I, born in Faison
  • William E. Thornton, astronaut, medical doctor, inventor, also nephew of James W. Blanchard


Faison, NC History

The Town of Faison is a historic town. The town’s Historic District is on the National Register of Historic Places. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Faison’s strategic location along the Wilmington-to-Weldon railroad made it a major center for agricultural commerce and shipping point for agricultural products, by rail, to northern cities. In the mid-1900s, farmers from miles around would bring their products to the Faison Produce Market to be auctioned/sold and shipped, mostly by truck, to northern markets.

Today, Faison has emerged as an international exporter of food products. Major agribusinesses include Bay Valley Foods, Southern Produce Distributors, Cottle Farms, and Burch Farms. The Town of Faison embraces its history. The original Faison Depot Train Station c1888 was moved to the Town Park and today serves as a Public Library and Public Museum.

As a result of the construction of Interstate Highway, I-40, from Raleigh to Wilmington, growth along this corridor has been on the rise. This has been benefited the town and its residents in many ways. In addition, I-40 and other highway construction in the area has shortened the time required for residents of the Faison area to access resources in other towns along the I-40 corridor and other areas.

The Faison Area is also a patriotic community, proudly claiming more than 700 veterans from all wars. In October 2015, Faison honored its veterans with an event attended by more than 800 people.

You can learn more about Faison, NC at: http://faisonnc.org