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Planning your flagpole and flag display landscape is both exciting and daunting. Whether you are planning to display a single flagpole or multiple flagpoles showcasing various flags—the possibilities are endless. Carrot-Top will assist you in finding the best solutions which turn your ideas and creativity into beautiful flag parks, distinguished memorial gardens and elegant patriotic displays.








A single flagpole flying one or two flags offers a distinguished display that is stately, patriotic and professional. This timeless presentation, such as the one seen here in the City of Sharonville, GA, is perfect for courthouses, government buildings, businesses, and restaurants. (City of Sharonville)

  • Select the flagpole size which allows a clear and unobstructed view of your flag display
  • The U.S. flag should be one size larger than any additional flag placed on the same pole according to the U.S. Flag Code
  • When flying a flag of other nations with an American flag, we recommend at least two flagpoles
  • Choose either wired, in-ground or solar lighting to illuminate your flagpole (depending on your location’s needs and environment)


A group of flagpoles, each flying a single flag, can create a beautiful presentation of union and harmony. Displaying an American flag beside a state flag is a classic and traditional way to show your patriotism and works well in almost any location. Carrot-Top provides U.S., State, and City flags as in a wide variety of sizes and fabrics. Below, the City of Aynor displays a small group of flags with the U.S. Flag at the center. This display is simple, yet distinguished and patriotic. The U.S. flag should always be flown higher than other flags when it is flown in a group setting. The display also includes adjustable solar lights which allow for 24-hour illumination. Adjustable solar lights are the great option to illuminate your flag and flagpole if there is access to direct sunlight.

  • Be sure to allow ample space between flagpoles so any waving flags does not brush or flap against other flagpoles or any other objects (brushing against nearby poles or objects will cause flag to lead bruise, tear or fray)
  • The U.S. Flag should always be received the position of honor when grouped with other flags


Flagpole and flag displays pair naturally with monuments to create a greater sense of dignity and respect. Such displays may require more space and planning, yet they also allow you to blend patriotism and honor to create an esteemed place of tranquility, reverence, and awe.

  • In displays with multiple flagpoles, the U.S. flag should receive the place of honor, usually on the tallest flagpole in the center or to the far left
  • Flowerbeds, mulch, and gravel will accentuate any flagpole display
  • Solar and wired lighting options allow for 24-hour illumination of flag as called for by the U.S. Flag Code


Try a flagpole landscape design that naturally blends with your location. Such locations can be the site of a beautiful and dynamic display that may be seen for miles. Be sure to adhere to the U.S. flag Code in presenting the U.S. flag with international flags. Displays showcasing the national flag of different countries create a sensational view.

  • Both a single line and a circular display of flagpoles and flags can create an incredible view for pedestrians and drivers who pass on nearby roads or passageways
  • If flagpoles are not the same size, the U.S. Flag should be placed on the tallest flagpole
  • International Flag etiquette requires that flags from nations all be same height; however, the U.S. flag should be placed in the first left position from the most common viewpoint


Locations such as parks, cemeteries and other spacious areas have the option of creating an avenue, row, path or field of flagpoles. The Ponchatoula Cemetery in Ponchatoula, Louisiana created an eye-catching and inspiring display with a row of American flags. Whether around your entire location or in a specific row or section, this amazing display of flagpoles is quite amazing and memorable.

  • Use the either same or a variety of flags to create a pathway of flags
  • Create a row of patriotism that stands tall for everyone to see
  • Multiple lighting options are available

Ensure your flagpole landscape and display expresses the true sentiment of your community, town or organization. Showing your patriotism, honoring heroes and veterans, or creating a space of tranquility and reflection are all attainable with proper planning and execution. Remember, the U.S flag code will guide you on proper flag protocol regarding, placement, lighting, and care of the U.S. flag. In-ground and above ground wiring solutions, as well as solar lighting options, are all available. Our customer Care professionals are available to advise and assist you in selecting the best wiring system for your needs, location, and budget. For more information feel free to contact Carrot-Top at (800)628-3524.

Have you found your American flag? Display it proudly on one of our flagpoles.
Click below to view our selection as well as our variety of flagpole accessories.